Seattle 1919 (Fuse SiS 003)

Seattle 1919 is, without a doubt, the best rock and roll history lesson ever given.  The musical performances are faultless.  It’s nice to see a band take on such an ambitious project and pull it off so well.  American history as entertainment—what a concept!” OPtion Magazine.

Spicy rock ‘n’ roll based on the true story of the Seattle General Strike of 1919.  Seattle 1919 has been garnering praise both for its music and dramatic history lesson.  Despite the emphasis on the story, The Fuse kept rock at the core.”  Los Angeles Times

“The music throughout Seattle 1919 is amazingly good.  And in what may be its most impressive accomplishment, the album captures an historical moment.” In These Times

“A rare and precious creation.”  Jeremy Brecher in Radical History Review

Reagonomics Blues (Fuse SiS 002)

“An inspirational sampler in a virtual rainbow coalition of styles.” San Francisco Bay Guardian.

“Too bad Mondale wasn’t funny enough to merit an album such as this.” Oakland Tribune.

We Won’t Move: Songs of the Tenants’ Movement (Folkways FS 5287)

“This album is a must for all housing activists and anyone concerned with grass-roots organizing and social change.” Shelterforce

“A fine record.  These songs are fun to sing and should be put to use in tenants’ meetings everywhere.” Pete Seeger